Zeninth said:
you mean the avatar with the blue alien that like ten feet tall?
you didn't like that movie?
Nope. I didn't like it at all. xD I thought that was pretty obvious by the advil in my sentence.

Kovash said:
Let me guess, you feel it's too much like another movie/event that has happened in real life? (British Taking the Native Americans Land)
I wasn't that mad (I'm actually a 8th Charokee), but it is a blant rip-off of Pocahontas. The animated movie that is.

AZD-A9S said:
Damn! Avatar was that bad? Well another movie I don't have to watch.
(Shiz's avatar is too much. Kinda like the perfect expression for sarcasm, put-downs and such.)
Look at it this way, if you get completely drunk or stoned out of your mind, you MIGHT just like Avatar.