For some reason when I click on "GREYCstoration..." in filters I'm not getting any option window popping up. The history shows GREYCstoration is being used when I click on it, but there is no change to the image. I'm using Photoshop CS3 Extended on WinXP SP3 x86.

Also it seems that when I click on "Help > About Plug-in > GREYCstoration..." it crashes Photoshop with the following error in the event viewer:
"Faulting application photoshop.exe, version, faulting module greyc.8bf, version, fault address 0x00003914."

I just received my academic version of Photoshop CS4 Extended today (only $180 for the full version through my college) and it has the same issues and error:
"Faulting application photoshop.exe, version, faulting module greyc.8bf, version, fault address 0x00003914."

Any ideas petopeto?

Has anybody else got the plug-in working properly with Photoshop CS3 Extended on WinXP SP3 x86?

Eruru, try installing the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Runtime (I included both x86 and x64 versions) that I uploaded to Mediafire:

Note: GREYCstoration was looking for Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT on my computer which is only normally installed along with Visual Studio 2008. The file above also includes all the VC90 debug runtimes which are not included in the redistributable (vcredist) on Microsoft downloads.