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I havn't quite nailed down CPU use. For some reason, it's just sometimes much faster than other times; I'll run it once and it'll run in 20 seconds, then I'll undo and run it again and it'll take 35 seconds to do the same thing. It's almost certainly related to the threading, but I havn't tracked it down.

kiowa, try redownloading; I dumped the VC90 runtime into the ZIP so it doesn't need to be installed separately, but I can't test if it actually works (since it works without that on my system anyway).

It seems to work well, but sometimes it refuses to show "Scaled pre-tensor blur" in the preview window and instead shows the normal image.
That's only going to show the effects of alpha and gfact, so if those are low it might not be easy to see. Also, you do need to hit the preview button after changing the stage selection.