denkikoiji said:
Well there are different ways to go about doing that, you can cut the book and scan it, you can melt the glue and separate the pages and scan it, you can use a book scanner "take pictures of pages with camera or you can just fold the pages and scan them on a flat bed scanner.
i remember doing that on 4chan a while back with some comic books (just laying the book flat down) and the quality was great and the book is still in great condition.

Also, i recently bought because i saw it hadn't been scanned from what i know of so i bit the bullet and got it. It said it should come in by november 24 to mid december or earlier so when i get it ill scan it and put it on a pool for this site because i dont know how to upload stuff on these other platforms (if someone could help me with the tagging system that'd be great too)