denkikoiji said:
welcome to the thread Axlan :P

also i just bought these books today,
the Estimated delivery is the 2 of September.

How to use CLIP STUDIO PAINT PRO, Professional techniques.
CLIP STUDIO PAINT PRO プロの絵師に学ぶイラスト上達テクニック

Useful Digital drawing techniques (100% book series)
デジ絵の便利帖 (100%ムックシリーズ)

How to draw manga Character feelings (go office series)
キャラの気持ちの描き方 表情・感情の表と裏を描き分けよう (マンガの技法書)

How to draw Moe characters, personalities, and Emotions
萌えキャラクターの描き分け 性格・感情表現編

Mastering digital painting
デジ塗りを極める (肌塗り編)
Were you able to scan How to draw manga Character feelings (go office series)? I recall you said you would get around to scanning eventually but I can't find the link? (Also I can try and scan some of the books I have, though I'm not sure if they've already been scanned; they're in the english How to Draw Manga series).