I Can't see a Vagina Related Pictures
When ever i go look on any post tag's i won't get any Vagina related pictures. When i press "?" next to the + and I sometimes do see them on there.

Does anyone know why this is and how to Solve it?
lee1238234 said:
remove tag blacklist.
How do i do that?
RelicsDragon said:
How do i do that?
remove the text from the box next to the 'Tag blacklist' section.

Then press 'save' at the bottom of the page.

The issue is not that you can't just see vagina related pictures (which is called 'pussy' here for tagging purposes by the way) but that, by default, accounts have 'rating_e' on the blacklist.

This causes all posts that have an 'Explicit' rating to be blacklisted which includes vagina related ones.