teyohid said:
I am interested

Thank you
Thank you for your interest.

If you are up for it, please send me the Amazon Japan giftcard number with the name of the books you want purchased with, preferably, a ranking, in the event that I did not succeed in all of them. bought for lack of funds.

I received a lot of emails recently, this project interests a lot of people. However, unlike the previous month, I was only able to raise a lot less money and had to pay between 70% and 80% of the price of some kindles.

Last month there were more and more generous donors. I would like to thank them warmly.
Thank you again for your help, I look forward to your feedback.

(P.S: don't worry if I'm late in answering you, I'm on my own to read and answer your emails and since I'm quite busy lately, it may take a while.
So don't forget to indicate the urgency in the title of the email, because if you are ready to send an Amazon Japan giftcard code, with the name of the kindle you wish to acquire, I could answer you first. Once the purchase is made, I will take care of everything and I will give you an appointment preferably on Discord for the future).