Wasn't as cold as I thought...but what a line!

Well - off to play it. Best of luck to me and anyone else with COD Modern Warfare 2.
Well...there are now two games throughout my whole current 23 years of life that made me shed some tears out of my eyes.

One is Final Fantasy VII.
The other is Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (CODMW) 2.

I didn't cry...just some tears escaped from my eyes, a little sorrow, and after that, RAGE to destroy the *ssholes.

I now await [CODMW] 3.

Well...going back to enjoy it again and the other modes as well.

Um...sorry for double post kyoushiro (Topic Creator).
>>Final Fantasy VII.


Real men shed tears (and MANLY ones) with FF VI, Secret of Mana... heck, even Super Mario RPG.

FF VII is just a soap opera featuring the worst designs ever and one of the most pathetic main chars ever. Oh, and Aeris' Death makes men smile of happiness :D
hehe I gave up on jap. RPGs looong time ago...FFXII is okay but the storyline is remainded me of stupied stars wars movies,FFX is waaaay too booring for my taste....,the only games that are worth of respecting are Oblivion,World of Warcraft and BlazBlue....and I never wasted my tears on games xD
I still have to beat the damn FF games...I beat everyone of them (sep for the online ones.) I have to get the next one to come out just so i can keep the title but FF started to slow down after 8 and got bad at 12. >.<

My 360 got RROD a long time ago and i never had a ps3 my bro has a WII I play that a lot now since i go over there all the time but for now i'm mainly a PC and Emulator gamer. Mainly playing S4 League and Dungeon Fighter Online, but if i get this 2nd job I'll be ready to get a god laptop.
kyoushiro said:
>>Final Fantasy VII.


Real men shed tears (and MANLY ones) with FF VI, Secret of Mana... heck, even Super Mario RPG.

FF VII is just a soap opera featuring the worst designs ever and one of the most pathetic main chars ever. Oh, and Aeris' Death makes men smile of happiness :D
Ok - OKAY GAR-ly-shiro!

FFVII was my first Final Fantasy. So anything below the number of 7 I don't know.

I also don't know Secret of Mana.

Why don't you tell me what system those two games are on and is there an English version made for them? I might just search them in an Emulator as long as those games aren't for CD Consoles (Example: Gamecube. Emulators aren't 100% on them yet.). were kidding on Super Mario RPG (I loved that game) right? NO-ONE DIED ON THAT GAME...except the enemies...but who cares about the enemies? Super Mario RPG is nothing but happy, fun, and silly times...and part of it trying to save the strangest female in the history of games.
Lot of princess peach hate here...
HaruhiSuzumiya said:
Lot of princess peach hate here...
Uh...if you're a fan of her, then sorry for my comment.

I'll admit she's cute but STILL the strangest female in the history of games.

Anyone feel like telling me how to change the spoiler word into something different? I didn't find an explanation in the howto:comment wiki section.
AZD-A9S said:
Uh...if you're a fan of her, then sorry for my comment.

I'll admit she's cute but STILL the spoiler in the history of games.

Anyone feel like telling me how to change the spoiler word into something different? I didn't find an explanation in the howto:comment wiki section.
fireattack said:
Thanks fireattack.

(So weird that he's helping me...I got a strange feeling here...better check something.........uh-oh! WHAT? SO HE'S THE ONE!...gulp!)

Um...also sorry for what I said in the comments section. F-Forgive me s-sir.
Ah yes fireattack was the 2nd mod picked. nature I still got a ways to go b4 I'm even considered for modhood plus operating from an iPhone is extremyl difficult. ; ) Congrats fireattack and good luck!

Also I'm not a peach fan just you're real straight bout it ; )
HaruhiSuzumiya said:
Ah yes fireattack was the 2nd mod picked. nature I still got a ways to go b4 I'm even considered for modhood plus operating from an iPhone is extremyl difficult. ; ) Congrats fireattack and good luck!
Oh-ho-ho. Good for admin2 eh?

HaruhiSuzumiya said:
Also I'm not a peach fan just you're real straight bout it ; )
Glad I didn't hurt any feelings then.

The wiki's fun huh Haruhi-chan? Somehow I think there can be more added to it.........

I'm going back to CODMW2. Multi-tasking here and the game isn't really for me...especially if you are playing on a harder difficulty.
AZD: FFVI, Secret of Mana were released on SNES.

Mario RPG has one death... and that makes EVERYONE shed MANLY tears (well, not exactly a death, but still makes you shed MANLY tears).
AZD what ya mean good for admin2 so confused... And CODMW2 you don't play it online? I went to my friends house to play it. It was pretty fun online except that The truth about kids lol.

And i think maybe wiki has more that can be added. Though what it would be evades me.
kyoushiro you can burn in hell... seriously D:
Why :D

Not my fault that traditional Castlevanias > Metroidvanias :o
No, I meant the post about Final Fantasy FFⅦ.

Also why is call of duty that "famous" ? It's all about WW2 right? Been like that for like for 10 games or so?
But... it's the truth :D

Modern Warfare 2 is a COD spin off IIRC.
Warriors Series is good for my (or also your) bored mind after long boring RPG storyline... ;)
Er. I almost have no idea what half the games you all mentioned are. Explain a couple of your favorites--based off of how good they sound I may try one or two out.

The games I like are elder scrolls oblivion, fable(one and two), and there's this new one that just came out... Gods, I can't remember it's name, but there was like a two year delay before it was created, you can be a dwarf/human/elf, and you can be good or evil. (yea, like that's gonna help anyone know what I'm talking about)...

Basically, I think games that give you multiple choices for what you should do are fun and awesome! I hate games that crush you to a storyline relentlessly. (no offense to anyone who my like those).

If I ever come across a game where you can be good or evil and wield a PISTOL... I may love that the best. XD
CODMW2 Be osama bin laden or the navy seals and kill other side with pistols lol.
Feito said:
No, I meant the post about Final Fantasy FFⅦ.

Also why is call of duty that "famous" ? It's all about WW2 right? Been like that for like for 10 games or so?
Onl been 6 games... And last one isn't WWII Its WWIII. And CODMW2 is fun IMO for all since even little kids are on it... Well if calling in a lot of airships to nuke ad bomb isn't fun then it's not Type your game.
I like traditional fighting styles more than the modern "drop a bomb and kill a thousand people" method. I believe that it takes much more skill to weild a sword than to throw a grenade at a mob of people. (I respect the pistol, because it's actually harder to wield than one might think. --note--I hate wielding bows. In real lefe, bows suck~~... yet in games, they're so fun. Do you know how unfair that is? I wish my life was a video game. XD
AZD-A9S said:
RAGE to destroy the *ssholes.
Just finished the single player myself, and yes MUCH rage. I go. Post begin.

kyoushiro said:
AZD: FFVI, Secret of Mana were released on SNES.

Mario RPG has one death... and that makes EVERYONE shed MANLY tears (well, not exactly a death, but still makes you shed MANLY tears).
Thanks for the information.

Only something really tragic can make me shed some tears. That Person.

Feito said:
kyoushiro you can burn in hell... seriously D:
Feisty Feito got you there kyoushiro.

kyoushiro said:
But... it's the truth :D

Modern Warfare 2 is a COD spin off IIRC.
What the hell does IIRC mean?

Feito said:
Also why is call of duty that "famous" ? It's all about WW2 right? Been like that for like for 10 games or so?
You haven't played the first Modern Warfare? The title should tell you it's not a past War game. This war is during the Modern times...our current time. If you are into shooters, you should pick it up. It's available for PS3, Cell, PC (How DO people play games on a cell?) and Xbox 360.

gohanrice said:
Just finished the single player myself, and yes MUCH rage.
Yeah. Don't you EVEN DARE read this part unless you have the game and played the campaign to the end I was in shock. I felt sorrow and then that music (so emotional and sad) made me shed those tears during that event. I tried hard holding back those forceful tears. Oh man...after that the rage came.

I definitely LOVED the ending...but I wanted more. THAT ending screams of a sequel right gohanrice? You should know...Same thing as the first warning

By the way didn't skip any missions (being offended) right? I didn't...and currently I have recently finished 3 difficulties so far and currently working on Veteran. How are you doing so far?

One more thing that I almost forgot to respond to.
Haruhi...I haven't been online with the game. Sorry to hear they didn't treat you right. I did see at least three kids in the line behind me during that time along with an older yeah...there are ways they can get the game even if the rating is long as they have someone older purchasing the game.

Also what I mean about admin2 is that he has more maintainers [Mods] for good for him.

Post end.
All I play is WoW. :B
Riven said:
All I play is WoW. :B
I liked many games long time now...but when wow camed..I played him and unistaled it before I become addictive...later I bought some nice and clasic games for my taste - Xenosaga III and some similiar..but I felt so lame..I tryed some other games as well but the feeling I felt before was gone..everything seems so lame i compare with I just gave up on beating bots on stuff like xenosaga & ff and I just take wow....I'm still playing some fighters like bb, tekken6, soulcalibur4 but only when I'm veeeeeery bored but I play it about some 20min. and give of warcraft is something out of class it's more than a simple game for fun...only one thing I find interesting beside wow it's elder scrolls IV oblivion...but soon I must get my hands on 2 exp. pack: knights of the nine and shivering isles..
AZD-A9S said:
What the hell does IIRC mean?
It's a chat just like IRC but it's way better...
No, it means If I Remember Correctly.

Traditional Castlevanias =/= Metroidvanias
So you can't compare.

Kyoushiro might say:
Not it's not.
blah blah blah
Too bad, I think that way.
Yes I can :D

And somehow I'm happy to see IGA will stop being involved with Castlevania, after seeing that new Castlevania for next gen consoles. He really abused the Metroidvania concept :|

The world needs more traditional Castlevania action, featuring rude and MANLY guys like Simon, Trevor, Nathan or even Julius, not girly stuff like Juste (:|), Leon, the PoR guy and etc. And yes, HIGHER difficult level.
AZD-A9S said:
Yeah. Don't you EVEN DARE read this part unless you have the game and played the campaign to the end I was in shock. I felt sorrow and then that music (so emotional and sad) made me shed those tears during that event. I tried hard holding back those forceful tears. Oh man...after that the rage came.

I definitely LOVED the ending...but I wanted more. THAT ending screams of a sequel right gohanrice? You should know...Same thing as the first warning

By the way didn't skip any missions (being offended) right? I didn't...and currently I have recently finished 3 difficulties so far and currently working on Veteran. How are you doing so far?
Spoilers for Modern Warfare campaign

I didn't skip any missions (it takes a lot to offend me). and again

I completed the normal difficulty and that's about all I've done so far. Multiplayer... I'm hoping it won't be a letdown (no custom mods or maps, no dedicated servers, matchmaking only, only 18 players per map). I've only played one online match with my friends and it seems all right. Time will tell.