Oh yeah forgot about Ramza. I do rename him after myself.

Hey when you are at it, don't forget to pick up a pig in Chapter 2 Story Battle [Tchigolith Fenlands] IF you ever do start over. The Pig's 3rd Stage [Wild Boar] provides a very good item called Ribbon when poached.....sounds cruel I know but Ribbons can save you from annoying status effects for your females. The Swine can get you a Chantage / Nagnarok while the Pig gives Maiden's Kiss / Cachusha. You can get Pigs in Chapter 4 from random encounters but.....well you know. You probably know more than me anyway.

Very much agree with you on the stupid law system. Also since it has Tactics in the name, you would think you could rename your characters and such like the original. I was sad when I couldn't do it.

Well then...I'll take your advice and see what's in store for FFXIII.