Anyone here an expert in configuring Doujin games for example Touhou and Siter Skain? Because I need some help. Something went wrong.

The sounds for the Touhou fighting games and Siter Skain RefleX no longer work. Music, Gameplay and everything else is fine but no sound effects.

It's weird because Touhou 7.5 / 10.5 and 12.3 was working with sound and everything before...but at the time I got RefleX, sound no longer works. I don't know what went wrong.

The things I can remember at the time of RefleX was:
*Downloading RefleX
*Downloading DirectX 2008 Redistrub. - RefleX ReadMe file said to install that for RefleX

*Microsoft update in progress

There must be something that makes Doujin games to have sound and music and such. Maybe something got removed that was required for the sound to work. Every other game that isn't a doujin game like Unreal Tournament works fine with sound and everything so there must be some Japanese related issue.

I either need to reinstall or remove something for the Doujin games to work fully. I tried removing RefleX and DirectX to see if that was the issue...but it wasn't. I don't know what is required.

I did try playing the games on my Laptop and everything is fine...sounds works too. So if the Laptop has no problems, then there must be something in my desktop that is missing or not working properly.

Anyone have any ideas?