fireattack said:
I want to be a mod too...
Yeah, go fireattack!
When are the results coming out? For the sake of my nerves! I don't know for who to cheer anymore. It seems like there are a lot of good users who would be great mods.
Debbie I have to say you seem really... I don't really know what word to use... Uptight then the actual candidates : ) it's adorable. Hmm well if my info is right 1 mod is midzki.
Yes, it's so exciting, I had never seen a mod "election" before. Isn't that great? I didn't know that forum threads could be used for that. Seems to be quite fair and nice. Everyone joining and giving their opinion, even when they are not that important... They can help to choose the mod. Yeah.

Midzki is a sure one. He'll do a good job. He is already doing it.
I'll be deciding on the a big project at work to wrap up..
admin2 said:
I'll be deciding on the a big project at work to wrap up..
And now you know Debbie! Rest assured : )
Yup! Go for it admin2.

Hope you do well on your work project.
Sorry busy..this weekend I hope..>_>
Don't worry about it admin2. If you can finish your work that's great news. Good luck!
Yep, we wish you good luck. Good luck~