Er. I almost have no idea what half the games you all mentioned are. Explain a couple of your favorites--based off of how good they sound I may try one or two out.

The games I like are elder scrolls oblivion, fable(one and two), and there's this new one that just came out... Gods, I can't remember it's name, but there was like a two year delay before it was created, you can be a dwarf/human/elf, and you can be good or evil. (yea, like that's gonna help anyone know what I'm talking about)...

Basically, I think games that give you multiple choices for what you should do are fun and awesome! I hate games that crush you to a storyline relentlessly. (no offense to anyone who my like those).

If I ever come across a game where you can be good or evil and wield a PISTOL... I may love that the best. XD