Chikane would thank you for the revival bump of this thread O~si~kaa~.

I'm struggling with this SCABD but I'm still good. Autumn months will soon start. I'll take Fall and Spring any day instead of Summer and Winter.

By the way Osikaa...if you're not admin2's recommendation, please change that number...or Aurelia (or another) will do it for you. admin2 doesn't need to be in trouble.
I'm glad that it's chat in Moe ^3^
I feel just too much afraid to tell something offtopic in comments ´o`U

With what? :D

Done ´w`UUU Thanks for telling me o_o
I don't want anybody to be in trouble! D:<
Chat in Moe eh? Heh heh. Mistress doesn't get enough love for her IRC idea (I wonder if her opinion has changed?). But at least this thread is here just in case people who doesn't use IRC.


Good that you did that.

What are you looking forward to in Autumn? Any thing you wait to be a game or...something?
[noobie] IRC? ´W`UUUUU~~
I feel like a clueless potato D:

Awww that's so bad DDD: I think you might keep studying... but that's bad >_<

I want to go to Retiro Park to see the fallen leaves :DDD
(I don't know if I can add links here, OTL)
Search for Palacio de Cristal in that page and you'll see two samples of the palace in the park. :3

And games... hmm... maybe... nuh xD
But I'll wait for December's Anime Con! :3
Such a long time since we last saw this thread living.
Glad to see it again.
Well, I would get an avatar but I can't on an iTouch. Anyways, hello, if you have looked at the forums or comments on Konachan then you would know me to be a retarded bitch. But anyways, since i did something obscenely stupid there and was banned, I got bored and wandered here.

Autumn is the reminder that you're in school, bummer. But it gives you the chance to breath the crisp air that cool weather and leaves bring. It is also a reminder that holidays and winter (my favorite season because of, just it's peacefulness) are going to arrive.
IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat.
But Osikaa don't call yourself a noob. It's your first time hearing that. How would you know if it's your first time?
(I know what it means but something about that word [Noob, Noobie, etc.] angers me.)

The Magic of Spain. Looks beautiful Osikaa.
So there's a December Anime Con? Wow.

So you're from Konachan ey Salgada? I visit there from time to time. You know SciFi?

And~ yeah I agree about Autumn being a reminder of school.
@Kona Seg.
Sadly yes.

Thanks for agreeing.

I dislike others calling themselves noobs,(wow, dictionary turned it from noobs to boobs... Isn't that pervy?) it is just showing that they do not have resolve for themselves... Not knowing something like that isn't noobie. I, of course, name myself arrogant, useless, ignorant and a bitch, but not the annoying word "noob". I AM a noob to those who think it, and I am what I believe I am, although if I didn't I still would be.
Whoa - Noobs to boobs? That's pretty funny.
I am not pervy... I used to act it to supply enough acts to not concern one of my stupid and pathetic 'In game friend' that thought that an in game (fake on my part) relationship really mattered... I only really did it to make him happy but his arrogance just pissed me off for the last time... Same with his ignorance.
But, alas, I only look at hentai because i find it interesting.

I need to stop over explaining things that nobody really cares for...
Didn't mean for you to be called pervy. That does sound a bit lame now that I think about it. I changed it.
Thank you for your compliance.

Well I'm gonna go to bed. God, I hate my school's curfew, 2:45am-2:00pm... I know it's a private school but who the FUCK came up with that?... I hate being [age redacted]. Good Night!
Wait Salgada. Before you go to bed, censor that number so you don't get into trouble.
(I hope Salgada caught this before going to bed. It gets changed regardless.)

Wow. That's twice in the same day.
I don't care if people think that I am too young, I am who I am, I could give less care for somebody telling me that 'I'm too young' or 'too short' than the amount of care I give for how people think of me as emo, even though I know I am, no shame in saying what you are.

Now! One more try! Good Night! Have nice dreams while I am having nightmares!
People think older people are better than newer people.

Judging by age is a kind of prejudice, isn't it.
Nugh... I fell asleep and woke up after around a minute... That's never happened before, I normally feel the pain of me dieing in some cruel way then move on to the next death, but in this one I felt odd...
Oh well.
Thanks for supporting me Debbie...

God! Now I can't go back to sleep..
No Debbie. That doesn't have anything to do with it. This is a different matter on this:

It's a rule on every "Adult" site, you must be a certain age. Otherwise there will be trouble.

I guess it isn't that much as I say it is. Concerning a ImageBoard, it will be edited soon to avoid any "troubling confrontation".
Well, the monitors on Kona didn't mind, in fact, Cuda welcomed it... (somewhat barely)
Ohayo gozaimasu for everyone~! :D

Baaaw, I need you for an advice ú3ù
Could you please tell me posts to decorate my agenda and notebook? :3
They are so plain and I thought in Moe.
Please, no explicit or questionable ú___ù
I don't want my classmates to discover ecchi, ho ho ho e_e (?)

Thank you! <3
Osikaa said:
Ohayo gozaimasu for everyone~! :D

Baaaw, I need you for an advice ú3ù
Could you please tell me posts to decorate my agenda and notebook? :3
They are so plain and I thought in Moe.
Please, no explicit or questionable ú___ù
I don't want my classmates to discover ecchi, ho ho ho e_e (?)

Thank you! <3
Posts for notebook and agenda? Hmm...sounds like a job for a girl who likes Safe things way more than ecchi things.

Debbie, (or whoever) I leave it up to you on that.
Just search for wallpapers on konachan or check the "What would you consider a perfect piece of art" thread I guess? ┐('~`;)┌

On a completely random note: Touhou animu yayz!
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
(for those who don't know, Zun is the sole owner of the Touhou franchise)
WtfCakes said:
Touhou animu yayz!
What's that? I don't get it.
blooregardo said:
What's that? I don't get it.
Depends if you are a Touhou fan.

Touhou Project, Anime Tenchou Get Anime by ufotable

Seems like a lot of people were denying it and that post:

WtfCakes said:
Touhou animu yayz!
was supposedly made to blow their day.

Oops my mistake. Going by Update #2.
Let me correct myself.
No, I just wanted to make fun of people who actually thought that was gonna be official, ZUN-approved shit. Which it's not. And yes, a whole lot of people thought that.
So... it's official the Touhou anime or not? ´w`U

*Not good at understanding*
NovaJinx said:
No, I just wanted to make fun of people who actually thought that was gonna be official, ZUN-approved shit. Which it's not. And yes, a whole lot of people thought that.
I myself included.

Osikaa, I'll help you with your agenda decoration. Sounds fun!
Osikaa said:
So... it's official the Touhou anime or not? ´w`U

*Not good at understanding*
Not official. The real ZUN denied it.

Did Debbie help by the way?
Have you seen Peto's Latin version of the site's rules?
I think it's so stylish. Latin is cool. Too bad it's a dead language.