ChikaneHimemiya said:
Himeko-chan, the @Chikane-chan isn't a "real"name on server so I never know you're sending me something... But I'll leave that for now ; ) Also hope you and your girlfriend are happy.A bunch of unrelated school memories
I really do. Heheehhe
My teachers are just nice. It was obvious that I was sleeping(and OMG, it was a friggin deep REM sleep, cuz it took both the bell, and alot of my friends shaking me like a rag doll--to wake me up. XDD
I just put my backpack on my desk, snuggled into the sleeves of this huge jacket one of my ex-boyfriends gave me, and fell asleep. Nice an' warm, and comfortable to boot. I'm surprised I didn't get yelled at myself. X3