Make sure you read the guidelines before you post so you won't look like an ass (and get destroyed). Recent dumb-asses was warned and decided to ignore that.


Anyway Himemiya:
The first Da Capo with that cat confused the hell out of me...I still watched the whole and then D.C.S.S. Not really into the characters on the first Da Capo. I just tolerated it like I did with Lucky Star. Asia is okay but Mizukoshi Moe is the only one really worth mentioning. I still like her to this day but she's no longer in my favorites. Anyone that hates boobians (MugiMugi) will hate her as well.

D.C. II was okay. I did love the episodes nearing the end of D.C.II's sequel. It was emotional for my two Asakuras.

If you don't have any love for any characters of D.C. and D.C.II, avoid them. The story won't impress you.
Also the art for the Anime can't beat the art of the Ero-games for D.C.II. This means the Anime art is horrible compared to the games.