Feito said:
Here's my story for today/night; 10pm I was still hungry and since everything is basically closed here at 6pm i decided to go night-walking/strolling? into our beautiful yet empty city (Stockholm) having filled my stomach on a QP and some coffee.

I decided to visit 7eleven it was now 1.50pm, I bought some brownies (yum!) and some yoggi, while walking to one of the many train stations I noticed it was closed... After figuring out that they changed the time they close down (3pm > 2pm!?.....) I thought they I might catch ONE of the many buses that only go during the night. 15min later it drops by I go in check the oh-so-handy travel thingy we have (sl) I should be home in 30min~ I thought "oh well can't say no too that" or so I thought.

After passing by one of the bus stops(?) I hear one of the many places I visit like once a year and I go like oh-sh**. After checking the guide thingy I seems that I misread it and I thought thought the bus would turn around after the last stop, but hell no it was going back to the garage.

Luckily the driver was kind enough to drop me by one of the nearby stops( I practically didn't even know were I was "exactly") Having found a map and I had some knowledge on were I was I found the railway station for the train or whatever you call it. I dropped off the bus at 2.40pm or so. And train would arrive at 5.35... Now here I am at home 6.50 well 59 writing this.. you have no idea how cold my feet or ass is I really thought I was gonna die from the cold, because I came with most of my "light" winter clothes which means i wasn't wearing anything ultra warm. so I stood there for almost 3hrs needing to pee and I was a bit scared.... I really hate our country for when stuff like this happens :'(
Want me and Minatsu's breasts to comfort you? ^A^ Winter is the only time I actually enjoy the weather around my area since it's usually always hot.