how to change profile: Noiseware

Noiseware is aq similar denoising filter to Neatimage, but it has more advantages to make profiles.

1) when it's run on photoshop action, profiles are recorded in an action file.

2) normal profiles can be edited by notepad.

this is a Noiseware's profile opened with terapad.
<nwp:Values> means noise profiles, and <rdf:_1>~<rdf:11> means high-freq Y noise levels by tones. also <rdf:12>~<rdf:22> means high-freq Cr noise leves. <rdf:34>~<rdf:44> means middle-freq Y noises, e.t.c.

it seems parameter 100 is too strong. I suggest around 50, and very-low should be under 30 in my experience.