Date User Change
Apr 27 2009, 04:57 midzki note This was the meeting...: body: This was the meeting among me and them., height:207, width:2363, x:4158, y:3946
Apr 27 2009, 04:54 midzki note what?: body: what?, height:148, width:474, x:3184, y:1483
Apr 27 2009, 04:53 midzki note ah, ...Dee?: body: ah, ...Dee?, height:143, width:1335, x:2783, y:692
Dec 07 2009, 10:15 VorpalNeko +translated
Apr 27 2009, 03:55 Imbir rating:s, +dee +frederick_carlisle +kuramoto_kaya +little_stars_on_the_earth +radha_baldwin