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Yeah it's a good pic and well done anatomy but what's with the hair? Sorry to make my second post a negative one but her hair looks ultra fake. It reminds me of that cheap colored plastic they use to make streamers on little girl's bicycles.At least where it covers her nipples. It's not shaped the way I expect to see hair. It messes with my suspension of disbelief.
unfinished drawing,drawer didn't perfectly deal with lines and shadows
datavore said:
Yeah it's a good pic and well done anatomy but what's with the hair? Sorry to make my second post a negative one but her hair looks ultra fake. It reminds me of that cheap colored plastic they use to make streamers on little girl's bicycles.At least where it covers her nipples. It's not shaped the way I expect to see hair. It messes with my suspension of disbelief.
Life in plastic, it's fantastic.