
bikini cameltoe game_cg giga kinokonomi nakano_mei shirogane_x_spirits! swimsuits

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Anyone that played the game, does she look like a loli in context, or is it tagged wrong?
Because she certainly has some sizable breasts here.
TheUnspoken said:
Anyone that played the game, does she look like a loli in context, or is it tagged wrong?
Because she certainly has some sizable breasts here.
The size of breasts don't mean a thing to the tag loli.
If she appears to look like a person under the age of consent, she is young / childlike / loli.

For this site, it's generally used for blacklist purposes.
Very strict for explicit images.

Click the question mark "?" next to "loli" to understand more.
Oppai loli is a thing from what I heard.
Yes it is.
They are rare but they do exist.

Here's one example.

This image isn't explicit to me and shouldn't require the "loli" tag...but it's best left to a moderator to make the right call.
It's an subjective tag, and it doesn't feel right on this image. Opinions?
Well, as I've already voiced, I don't find loli features on her.
Her breasts were just one objective observation of mine, hence I asked whether she does look younger in context to other characters/scenes or not.
Looking at this picture alone, she doesn't feel "young / childlike / loli" imo.
Yeah. She's too developed (not just her breasts either). Nakano Mei isn't a loli or an oppai loli.