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can someone explain me in a few words what are those pixel shifts on image above? how the hell they happen on so many scans?
fatmangoth said:
can someone explain me in a few words what are those pixel shifts on image above? how the hell they happen on so many scans?
This post is from 15 years ago. It's reasonable that scan machine from 15 years ago doesn't have high technology as today.
nothing of high-techy here. scanners didn't changed that much, at least cheap ones. i have in queue for repairing many images with same skewed/shifted areas.
If a poster is too large for the scanner bed, scanning it in two parts then merging it in an image editor (stitching) is what's normally done. It's a hard trick. The two parts are never perfectly aligned and scanner bed doesn't always evenly scan.
Genex said:
If a poster is too large for the scanner bed, scanning it in two parts then merging it in an image editor (stitching) is what's normally done. It's a hard trick. The two parts are never perfectly aligned and scanner bed doesn't always evenly scan.
Yes. This could be a reason too.
Genex, 乐观的食用盐 thanks for the info. i guess that means more painting.
Technology has moved on from the original image stitching software.