
sailor_moon takeuchi_naoko tsukino_usagi

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...and I can delete them if I don't know she is the official professional artist..
completely lacks both geometrical and anatomical basics...
heh :)

You no like needle fingers?
I'm more concerning about her pressed skull
My major at the university was geometry, so I'm sensitive about s/he has geometrical sense or not.
(also this experience helps my English and Photoshop skils)

(ps: .. allowing her drawing on moe makes many deviant arts allowed if we are just focusing drawing skill...)
I think this should go away. There should be a certain minimal level of drawing skill below which we don't accept.
Don't be silly, this was all in fashion in the 90's!
she's not from Earth anyway, right? So those proportions may be fine for her race :)
The pointy chin goes along with the pointy fingers.
Somehow this remembered me about my childhood...spoiler
aoie_emesai said:
You no like needle fingers?
post #119130 (Left panel)
Aurelia said:
Don't be silly, this was all in fashion in the 90's!
That's was mostly my reasoning on why I thought it should be kept.

Radioactive said:
post #119130 (Left panel)
lol ^^
If you google for the Sailor Moon manga, you'll see that a lot of the cover work and other official art pieces are done in exactly this style. Just thought I would point that out.
midzki said:
I'm more concerning about her pressed skull
My major at the university was geometry, so I'm sensitive about s/he has geometrical sense or not.
(also this experience helps my English and Photoshop skils)

(ps: .. allowing her drawing on moe makes many deviant arts allowed if we are just focusing drawing skill...)
You don't even have a shoujo heart! midzki no bakaaaaaa---!
My major at the university was astronomy, this great comic helped me to remember the names of planets in the solar system and led me onto the way of science. spoiler
It seems like a 'must have' on many shoujo mangas to have those pointy fingers. I guess it's an idealization of feminine beauty (not that I find it beautiful).
shoujo heart breaker (*゚ー゚)o===============>>>★