This post has a child post. (post #57736)

animal_ears ayakura_juu feet holo spice_and_wolf tail

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My second (real) attempt with GREYCstoration. I think it looks ok? Also used a highpass to sharpen.
Looks very nice actually. Something that I noticed is that her left ear (right year from our point of view) is positioned a little oddly and also her right toe seems a little too big, but this is just my opinion.
concentrate said:
Looks very nice actually. Something that I noticed is that her left ear (right year from our point of view) is positioned a little oddly and also her right toe seems a little too big, but this is just my opinion.
Hehe, those things aren't in my control. That's just how the artist drew the picture.
I agree that the ear is a bit weird but that isn't your fault at all.
Darn artist! Can't they notice these things? But you did a nice job