And that's why I consider Adobe to be a shitty company. Having spent several days evaluating Vista and trying, very hard (to the point of hacking DLL resources and using global macro programs to work around Vista "features"), it's very clear that it's a serious step down from XP and not usable for me at all. Having Adobe trying to force me into an OS that's not usable for me, purely for their convenience, pisses me off more than I can express.
you might be dumped by CS4 =Daoie_emesai said:
I've got a copy of CS4 but i've yet to install and work with it yet. I might just do that Saturday.
I think CS2 is the final version which can running with high-res scans on poor CPU/RAM.
btw. Many people said, Gimp is slow, bugged, sucking gui, e.t.c... but quality of filters are superior than PS. before peto invented Greycshop, PS is a crap tool for processing scans :P
if you are not familiar with PS, I recommend Gimp for processing scans.
GIMP is actually the only graphic editor I have yet to use.midzki said:
you might be dumped by CS4 =D
I think CS2 is the final version which can running with high-res scans on poor CPU/RAM.
btw. Many people said, Gimp is slow, bugged, sucking gui, e.t.c... but quality of filters are superior than PS. before peto invented Greycshop, PS is a crap tool for processing scans :P
if you are not familiar with PS, I recommend Gimp for processing scans.
Reason I use, It's small and portable in size.Can be installed at any computer without much hassle, it has a decent amount of tools which gets the job (my job) done. I love the gui, same as PS (yes I know)
Call me cheap but I prefer opensource/apps that are small in size rather than having a piece of software which I wouldn't even use 90% of all available features (I think I got that right?)
Call me cheap but I prefer opensource/apps that are small in size rather than having a piece of software which I wouldn't even use 90% of all available features (I think I got that right?)
It has the Microsoft taint though.
GIMP/PaintTool SAI are what I use.
GIMP/PaintTool SAI are what I use.
I'm not sure what that means, exactly, but these days I just want the best tools for the job. Often enough, that means using software by companies I don't particularly like, but when the task is challenging to begin with I'm not going to handicap myself over politics...
SAI is the best thing for redraw/fix gaps. Still it sucks that i have to use a different program just to png images :|
use best filters regardless of softwares if you'd like to get the best quality.
i have no interest in which is the best software :P
i have no interest in which is the best software :P
By the way, a CS4 patch is out:
It fixes some of the big stuff, and makes CS4 a lot more reasonable to use. There are still some problems keeping me in CS3, but at least CS4's bugs are toned down from "smash head through wall" to merely "smash foot through wall". Definitely apply it if you're using CS4.
It fixes some of the big stuff, and makes CS4 a lot more reasonable to use. There are still some problems keeping me in CS3, but at least CS4's bugs are toned down from "smash head through wall" to merely "smash foot through wall". Definitely apply it if you're using CS4.
Does it work well with mouse? I want to try but I have no drawing pad.syaoran-kun said:
SAI is the best thing for redraw/fix gaps. Still it sucks that i have to use a different program just to png images :|
Simply, NO.kiowa said:
Does it work well with mouse? I want to try but I have no drawing pad.
SAI is specialied for tablet :P
Yes, Adobe is doing something not very nice by trying to force the issue (trick) all their 64bit users into upgrading their operating system, I won't deny that. Adobe is now of the mindset everybody seriously using Photoshop should be using 64bit anyways since it allows more memory to be used. Now that they support x64, they don't want people migrating from XP x86 to XP x64 because they see Vista and above as a big step forward related to Photoshop.
Since many more people use XP x86 then x64 they couldn't drop support for that or else they would lose massive sales from all the Vista haters. They probably figured that losing the XP x64 users was an acceptable loss especially if it convinced some of the more serious Photoshop users to take the plunge and upgrade their OS.