Pool Date User Change
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 13:08 MugiMugi +post #48330
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 13:06 MugiMugi +post #48329
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 13:05 MugiMugi +post #48328
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 13:03 MugiMugi +post #48327
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 13:02 MugiMugi +post #48326
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 13:01 MugiMugi +post #48325
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 12:59 MugiMugi +post #48324
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 12:57 MugiMugi +post #48323
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 12:56 MugiMugi +post #48322
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 12:54 MugiMugi +post #48321
Blade - Zealotic Blade Zero Nov 04 2008, 12:53 MugiMugi +post #48320
Blazer-One & NISE-JYUSYOFUTEI (Amaduyu Tatsuki & Nakamura Takeshi) - Esquisse VI Nov 04 2008, 08:59 aoie_emesai description changed: (show changes)
Esquisse is a doujin Illustration book usually done by the main artists of the Leaf group.

Here's some of the artist I can identify.

- Mitsumi Misato
- Tatsumi Amaduyu
- Takeshi Nakamura
- Hisashi Kawata

Which I think is all of them.
For this one, Misato and Nakamura does the illustrations for this one. A few of Amaduyu's illustrations too.
Blazer-One & NISE-JYUSYOFUTEI (Amaduyu Tatsuki & Nakamura Takeshi) - Esquisse VI Nov 04 2008, 08:59 aoie_emesai description changed: (show changes)
Esquisse is a doujin Illustration book usually done by the main artists of the Leaf group.

Here's some of the artist I can identify.

- Mitsumi Misato
- Tatsumi Amaduyu
- Takeshi Nakamura
- Hisashi Kawata

Which I think is all of them.
For this one, Misato and Nakamura does the illustrations for this one.
Cut a Dash!! & Blazer One (Mitsumi Misato & Amaduyu Tatsuki) - BLACK×BLACK Nov 04 2008, 08:49 aoie_emesai -active, -public, description changed: (show changes)
Another Doujin book by Mitsumi Misato and Tatsuki Amaduyu.

The first half is drawings by Misato and the 2nd is by Amaduyu.
Cut a Dash!! & Blazer One (Mitsumi Misato & Amaduyu Tatsuki) - BLACK×BLACK Nov 04 2008, 08:48 aoie_emesai order:48292:0←21 order:48293:1←20 order:48303:11←10 order:48304:12←9 order:48313:21←0 (17 more...)
Cut a Dash!! & Blazer One (Mitsumi Misato & Amaduyu Tatsuki) - BLACK×BLACK Nov 04 2008, 08:48 aoie_emesai +post #48304 +post #48305 +post #48306 +post #48307 +post #48308 +post #48309 +post #48310 +post #48311 +post #48312 +post #48313 (12 more...)
Cut a Dash!! & Blazer One (Mitsumi Misato & Amaduyu Tatsuki) - BLACK×BLACK Nov 04 2008, 08:38 aoie_emesai name: BLACK亊BLACK, description: Another Doujin book by Mitsumi Misato and Tatsuki Amaduyu.
Cut a Dash!! & Blazer One (Mitsumi Misato & Amaduyu Tatsuki) - Esquisse IV Nov 04 2008, 08:05 aoie_emesai order:48263:0←23 order:48264:1←22 order:48275:12←11 order:48285:22←1 order:48286:23←0 (18 more...)
Blazer-One & NISE-JYUSYOFUTEI (Amaduyu Tatsuki & Nakamura Takeshi) - Esquisse VI Nov 04 2008, 08:03 aoie_emesai -active, -public
Cut a Dash!! & Blazer One (Mitsumi Misato & Amaduyu Tatsuki) - Esquisse IV Nov 04 2008, 08:03 aoie_emesai -active, -public, description changed: (show changes)
IEsquisse is a doujin Illustration book usually done by the main artists of the Leaf group.↲

'lls besome addof the restartist tonightI can identify.↲

- Mitsumi Misato↲
- Tatsumi Amaduyu↲
- Takeshi Nakamura↲
- Hisashi Kawata↲

Which I think is all of them