Pool Date User Change
114 Oct 15 2008, 05:58 aoie_emesai -public, name: Esquisse_Ⅵ, +post #11768 +post #15750 +post #15755 +post #20596 +post #26716 +post #26717 +post #26718 +post #26719 +post #26720 +post #26721 +post #26722 +post #26723 +post #26724 +post #26725 +post #26726 +post #26727 +post #26728 +post #26729 +post #26730 +post #26731 +post #26732, description: Esquisse is a doujin Illustration book usually done by the main artists of the Leaf group. Here's some of the artist I can identify. - Mitsumi Misato - Tatsumi Amaduyu - Takeshi Nakamura - Hisashi Kawata Which I think is all of them.