Date User Change
Apr 27 2010, 09:43 blooregardo -post #116118
Mar 19 2010, 23:29 Aurelia -active, name changed from Croma_of_Wall_-_Gospelic_Ichisero_Girls to Chroma_of_Wall_-_Gospelic_Ichisero_Girls
Jan 29 2010, 17:04 fireattack name changed from [Croma_of_Wall]_Gospelic_Ichisero_Girls to Croma_of_Wall_-_Gospelic_Ichisero_Girls
Jan 27 2010, 06:12 fireattack name changed from Croma_of_Wall_-_Gospelic_Ichisero_Girls to [Croma_of_Wall]_Gospelic_Ichisero_Girls
Jan 27 2010, 06:12 fireattack description changed:
[Croma of Wall壁の彩度] Gospelic Ichisero Girls.↲
Jan 27 2010, 06:10 fireattack description changed:
[壁の彩度Croma of Wall] Gospelic Ichisero Girls.↲
Jan 14 2010, 12:44 midzki +post #114395 +post #114396 +post #114397 +post #114398 +post #114399 +post #114400 +post #114401 +post #114402 +post #114404 +post #114405 (16 more...)
Jan 11 2010, 14:38 midzki description changed:
[壁の彩度 -] Gospelic Ichisero Girls.
Jan 11 2010, 14:34 midzki name: Croma_of_Wall_-_Gospelic_Ichisero_Girls, description: 壁の彩度 - Gospelic Ichisero Girls.