Date User Change
Apr 21 2015, 04:23 SHM222 order:294647:4-5←4 order:294649:8-9←6 order:294650:10←7 order:294651:11←8 order:296936:6-7←5 (40 more...)
Apr 21 2015, 04:07 SHM222 -post #294678
Sep 13 2014, 20:19 fireattack -active, +public
Sep 12 2014, 10:40 milumon -public
Sep 11 2014, 20:39 Radioactive +active
Sep 02 2014, 02:07 fireattack -post #294648 +post #296936
Aug 17 2014, 17:37 fireattack -active, name changed from Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_Desu_ka?_Artbook_(Koi)_-_Cafe_du_Lapin to Koi_-_Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_Desu_ka?_Artbook_-_Cafe_du_Lapin
Aug 17 2014, 17:36 fireattack +post #294645 +post #294646 +post #294647 +post #294648 +post #294649 +post #294650 +post #294651 +post #294652 +post #294653 +post #294654 (38 more...)
Jun 24 2014, 02:31 batinthebelfry +post #289909
Jun 22 2014, 01:40 fireattack name changed from Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_Desu_ka?_Artworks_-_Cafe_du_Lapin to Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_Desu_ka?_Artbook_(Koi)_-_Cafe_du_Lapin
Jun 22 2014, 01:39 fireattack name changed from 「ご注文はうさぎですか?」画集_Cafe_du_Lapin_ to Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_Desu_ka?_Artworks_-_Cafe_du_Lapin, description changed:
「ご注文はうさぎですか?」のフルカラーイラスト集が登場!画集 連載開始当初からの扉絵・表紙イラスト・書店特典イラストなどをあますところなく収録します。Cafe この機会を逃すともうお目にかかれないイラストも……!!du 「Lapinごちうさ」ファン必携のコンプリート・エディション!↲
コミック: 112ページ↲
出版社: 芳文社 (2014/5/27)↲
言語: 日本語↲
ISBN-10: 4832244485↲
ISBN-13: 978-4832244481↲
発売日: 2014/5/27↲
商品パッケージの寸法: 29.6 x 21 x 1.6
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289695
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289696
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289697
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289699
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289701
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289702
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289705
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289711
Jun 21 2014, 09:23 Radioactive -post #289710