Date User Change
Dec 16 2023, 10:01 fireattack +halo -angel
Jul 10 2023, 13:49 whitespace1 +translated
Jul 10 2023, 12:40 whitespace1 note 葵 妳的頭髮好像變長了 Aoi, you...: body changed from 葵 妳的頭髮好像變長了 Aoi, your hair sure is long now. to Aoi, your hair sure is long now. 葵 妳的頭髮好像變長了
Jul 10 2023, 12:40 whitespace1 note You know I grew it o...: body: You know I grew it out because you said you liked long hair, right, sensei? 老師曾經說過自己是喜歡長頭髮的,於是我便把頭髮留長了喔, height:603, width:256, x:1137, y:87
Jul 10 2023, 12:36 whitespace1 note 葵 妳的頭髮好像變長了: body changed from 葵 妳的頭髮好像變長了 to 葵 妳的頭髮好像變長了 Aoi, your hair sure is long now., height:601, width:187, x:89, y:55
Jul 10 2023, 05:47 moonian +sketch
Jul 10 2023, 05:18 whitespace1 note 葵 妳的頭髮好像變長了: body: 葵 妳的頭髮好像變長了, height:148, width:148, x:43, y:43
Jul 10 2023, 05:13 whitespace1 rating:s, +angel +blue_archive +dress +karappo_(poket12) +oki_aoi +pointy_ears, source: