Date User Change
Feb 29 2024, 19:48 himeno_nanako +halo -angel
Jul 22 2023, 09:37 whitespace1 +translated
Jul 22 2023, 09:37 whitespace1 note Sure has gotten live...: body: Sure has gotten lively with the bigger family, hasn't it? 家裡自從增加了一位新成員後,也變得熱鬧起來了呢, height:573, width:216, x:39, y:66
Jul 22 2023, 09:34 whitespace1 note I-I'm just saying th...: body: I-I'm just saying that I'd like another one and stuff... 我、我只是隨便說一下自己想增添一位家人之類的事情而已, height:650, width:280, x:1056, y:57
Jul 22 2023, 09:31 whitespace1 rating:s, +angel +blue_archive +dress +karappo_(poket12) +shimoe_koharu +sketch +thighhighs +wings, source: