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Jun 03 2013, 00:07 WtfCakes note AKINOKO. AKINOKO. つ...: body: AKINOKO. AKINOKO. つらぬきの少女 Tsuranuki no shojo (Resolute Girl) 参加させて頂きありがとうございます。 孤立無援、焦土と化した戦場においても凍とそこに立ち、敵に刃を向けていく気構えがあれば日本もまだ世界で生き残ってゆけるのではないか、そんなイメージが込められてます。 Thank you for letting me take part in this exhibition. Alone and unaided, standing on a battlefield that has been reduced to ashes, she turns her sword upon her enemies. If Japan displays this kind of readiness, she will still be able to survive in the world; that is the image I wished to present., height:150, width:150, x:225, y:304
Mar 28 2012, 11:05 fireattack +miko
Mar 27 2012, 15:56 van rating:s←q, +garter +sword
Mar 27 2012, 09:42 yong +akinoko -tagme
Mar 27 2012, 03:19 fireattack rating:q, +tagme