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Jun 03 2013, 00:26 WtfCakes note かんなぎれい KannagiRei s...: body: かんなぎれい KannagiRei sweets sweets 『日本』というテーマでしたが、今回は古風な雰囲気は避けて、巫女さんという点だけを押さえつつ、現代の普通の女の子のイメージで描いてみました。そしてツインテ一ルもまた、素敵な日本の文化、ですよね! The theme is ‘Japan’ but I have decided to avoid a traditional atmosphere, adopting the subject of ‘miko’ (shrine maidens) but depicting them in the image of ordinary, modern girls. After all, pigtails are another beautiful part of Japanese culture... aren't they?!, height:150, width:150, x:225, y:304
Mar 27 2012, 15:58 van rating:s←q, +miko
Mar 27 2012, 09:51 yong +kannagi_rei -tagme
Mar 27 2012, 03:21 fireattack rating:q, +tagme