Date User Change
Feb 02 2014, 23:21 fireattack +shintarou -shintaro
Jun 03 2013, 00:33 WtfCakes note しんたろ一 Shintaro 卒業/出...: body: しんたろ一 Shintaro 卒業/出発 Sotsuayo/Shuppatsu (Graduation/Departure) 春の卒業式シーズンで見られるような袴とブーツというハイカラな衣装は、個人的には「卒業」というよりも「(希望に満ちた)出発」というイメージの方が強い感じがしています。イラストの方では華やかな女性袴を描かせて頂きましたが、華やかな装飾ではなくても女性の袴姿って魅力的ですよね。 During the graduation season in spring, we see many girls dressed in a classic style like this, with kimono, hakama skirts and boots. To me, this style creates an image of (hopeful) ‘departure’ rather than 'graduation'. In this illustration I have drawn the a girl in colorful kimono and hakama, but even without the flamboyant pattern, I think that girls look very attractive in hakama., height:150, width:150, x:225, y:304
Apr 14 2012, 23:07 fireattack +neko
Mar 27 2012, 15:59 van rating:s←q, +kimono -tagme
Mar 27 2012, 04:39 HoyHoy +shintaro
Mar 27 2012, 03:30 fireattack rating:q, +tagme