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Jun 03 2013, 00:28 WtfCakes note 曰陰影次 HikageEiji なつが...: body: 曰陰影次 HikageEiji なつがくる! Natsu ga kuru! (Summer is Coming!) こんにちは、曰陰影次と申します。展覧会が初夏の手前ということもあり、プール開きを題材に描かせて頂きました。 すっかり夏の日差しになった太陽の下でデッキブラシを使って清掃。初夏の風景です。現実には水着着用で行ってた気がしますがここは制服で頑張って貰いました。水で張り付いた制服が少女達の元気さを表現しています。 この清掃が終れば、彼女達の気分はすっかり夏本番!ってとこでしょうか。 Hello, my name is HikageEiji. This exhibition is to be held in early summer so I decided to use the preparations for the opening of a swimming pool as my subject matter. The sunlight already holds the heat of summer as two girls use deck brushes to clean the pool. This is a scene from early summer. I seem to remember that we wore swimming costumes when we did this, but here I have chosen to put them in uniforms. I used the way that the wet uniforms cling to their bodies to express the girls' vitality. Once the cleaning is finished, the girls will truly be in a summer mood. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:304
Apr 15 2012, 19:16 Kalessin +ass +wet_clothes
Mar 27 2012, 16:07 van rating:s←q, +seifuku
Mar 27 2012, 09:36 yong +hikage_eiji -tagme
Mar 27 2012, 03:37 fireattack rating:q, +tagme