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Jun 03 2013, 00:28 WtfCakes note 西中康弘 Yasuhiro Nishin...: body: 西中康弘 Yasuhiro Nishinaka 鶴HIME Tsuru HIME (Crane Princess) 東北関東大震災で被災された方々に心よりお見舞いを申し上げると共に、一日も早い復旧、復興を祈念致しております。 仲間の家族も被災者となリましたが、我々に出来る事は少なく、せめていつもよリ、少しでも良い仕事をすることを考えてイラストを描きました。もしご覧になって、喜んで頂ければ有り難く思います。 First, I would like to offer my heartfelt sympathy to everybody who is suffering as a result of the Great Eastern Earthquake and I hope that everything will be restored and rebuilt as soon as possible. The family of one of my friends was among the victims and although there is very little I can do for them, I decided to make this illustration as good as I possibly can. I will be very happy if they see it and it serves to raise their spirits., height:150, width:150, x:225, y:304
Mar 27 2012, 20:05 fireattack +nishinaka_yasuhiro -tagme
Mar 27 2012, 16:09 van rating:s←q, +sword +thighhighs
Mar 27 2012, 03:39 fireattack rating:q, +tagme