Date User Change
Jun 21 2013, 23:01 WtfCakes note こ~ちゃ ko~cha: body changed from こ~ちゃ ko~cha to こ〜ちや ko-cha 花より団子 Hana yori dango (Dumplings Rather than Flowers) 古き良き「純和風」と言うよりは、現代つ子が自分なリに日本の伝統を楽しんでいるような感じにしてみました。そもそも風貌からして日本人じゃあリませんよねこの子。もしかしたらワビサビなんて、よくわかつてないのかもしれませんが、桜キレイ!お団子才イシイ!つて楽しめるなら、それでいいんじやないかな?という感じでこ'ざいます。 This work is not a purely Japanese scene, rather it shows a modern young girl enjoying Japanese customs in her own way. To begin with, she does not even look Japanese. She might not even understand the Japanese love of subdued refinement, it is simply that the cherry blossom is so pretty! The dumplings are delicious! And she is enjoying herself. What more could she need? That is what I have tried to express.
Jun 11 2013, 08:30 note こ~ちゃ ko~cha: body: こ~ちゃ ko~cha, height:150, width:150, x:238, y:403
May 25 2013, 20:03 van +yukata
May 24 2013, 08:06 fireattack -tagme
May 24 2013, 07:26 milumon +ko~cha
May 24 2013, 06:47 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme