Date User Change
Jun 21 2013, 23:13 WtfCakes note やまかぜ嵐 yamakaze ran ...: body changed from やまかぜ嵐 yamakaze ran 黃昏の狐火 to やまかぜ嵐 Yamakaze Ran 黄昏の狐火 Tasogare no kitsunebi (Will o' the Wisps at Twilight) こんにちは、やまかぜ嵐です。 今年も「絵師100人展」に参加することができまして大変光栄です。 さて、今回のテ一マは「一景」ということで、日本の伝承のなかにある景色とじこ狐火を描きました。 日没直後の黄昏時はそういった怪異に出会いやすい時間らしいです。¶自分自身、そういった才力ル卜な出来事に出会ったことはないのですが、曰本にはそういった伝承がたくさんあって、これも日本の一景のひとつなのだと思います。 Hello, I am Yamakaze Ran. I am very honored to be able to participate in the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition again this year. The theme for this year is ‘a scene’ and I chose to illustrate a traditional scene that has been passed down to us; that of a will o’ the wisp, or 'fox light’ as it is called in Japanese. The twilight immediately following sunset is the time of day when people are most likely to come into contact with the supernatural. I personally have never come into contact with this kind of occult happening, however, Japan has a strong oral tradition describing events of this type so I think it is true to call it a ‘scene of Japan’.
Jun 11 2013, 08:57 note やまかぜ嵐 yamakaze ran ...: body: やまかぜ嵐 yamakaze ran 黃昏の狐火, height:150, width:150, x:238, y:283
May 25 2013, 19:52 van +miko +yukata
May 24 2013, 08:26 fireattack +yamakaze_ran -tagme
May 24 2013, 07:03 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme