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Jun 21 2013, 22:47 WtfCakes note 有馬啓太郎 keitaro arima ...: body: 有馬啓太郎 keitaro arima 負けない Makenai (Never Give UP) 昨年10月、仙台を起点にして東日本大震災の被災地を訪れて来ました。¶描いた船は津波で気仙沼市の内陸部にうちあげられていた大型漁船です。¶今回の作品は描くか否か本当に悩みました。 こういうメッセージ性の高い作品も、こういった背景を描く為に親和性のある絵柄で描くことも実は初めてです。 おかげで先に写真を見ながら描いた背景に人物が合わなくて非常に苦労させられました。完成度もまだまだであるとは思います。 でも、忘れてはいけないことを描けました。チャンスを下さった皆さん、本当にあリがとうございます。 Last October, I based myself in Sendai and traveled around the area that was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The ship in this picture is a large fishing boat that was washed up into the middle of Kesennuma City by the tsunami. I found it very difficult to decide whether or not to draw this picture. Actually it is the first time that I have ever created a picture with a strong message like this, or one in which I have placed a subject towards which I have an affinity against a realistic background in this way. As a result, I had a lot of trouble trying to get the background, which I drew from a photograph, to match the figure of the girl. I still think that the level of finish leaves a lotto be desired. However, I drew something that we must never forget. I would like to thank everybody who provided me with the opportunity to do this. , height:150, width:150, x:237, y:320
May 24 2013, 13:06 fireattack -keitaro_arima
May 24 2013, 07:50 fireattack +arima_keitarou +keitaro_arima -tagme
May 24 2013, 07:06 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme