Date User Change
Jun 21 2013, 23:07 WtfCakes note Na-Ga na-ga 寒稽古の溫もり: body changed from Na-Ga na-ga 寒稽古の溫もり to Na-Ga Na-Ga 寒稽古の温もり Kangeiko no nukumori (A Touch of Warmth During Midwinter Training) 日常の1コマを描いてみようと思い、それでいて少しだけ日常ではない風景をと模索して今回のイラストを描かせていただきました。 武道などの修練の一環とじT最も寒い時期、最も寒い時間帯に行う、主に精神锻錬を主眼とした古くからの稽古の風景に、日本ならではの紅白のカラーバランスを少し意識していれてみました。厳しい環境下で自らを高める……とはいえ、そこに優しさがあってもいいよねと思い、風邪をひかないようにとお姉ちゃんは妹にマフラ一をかけて2人、修行の時間を過ごしています。 I thought I would illustrate a scene from everyday life, then groping for a way to make the image slightly unusual, I produced this illustration. One of the disciplines practiced by adherents of the martial arts is to undergo training during the coldest season, at the coldest time of the day; this has been done since ancient times as a way of strengthening the spirit. I decided to illustrate this scene, incorporating the typical Japanese color contrast of red and white. Even when striving for self- improvement under grueling conditions, I feel that there is still room for a little kindness, so in this picture I have depicted the elder girl as having wrapped a scarf around her younger sister’s neck as they both carry out their training.
Jun 11 2013, 08:43 note Na-Ga na-ga 寒稽古の溫もり: body: Na-Ga na-ga 寒稽古の溫もり, height:150, width:150, x:238, y:339
May 24 2013, 08:17 fireattack +japanese_clothes -possible_duplicate -tagme
May 24 2013, 07:59 edogawaconan +na-ga
May 24 2013, 07:23 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme +possible_duplicate