Date User Change
Jun 21 2013, 23:09 WtfCakes note 日陰影次 hikage eiji: body changed from 日陰影次 hikage eiji to 曰陰影次 Hikage Eiji 少女と猫とタコヤキと Shojo to neko to takoyaki to (A Girl, a Cat and Takoyaki) 放課後、友達と帰り道にタコヤキとジュースを愉しむ女の子達。 授業という名の試練を乗リ越え、そのご褒美の時間が今日もやってきた。そんな情景を描きました。 放課後、友達と買い食いした帰り道。黄昏色の町を歩きながら、どうでもいいことで盛り上がったり。そんな何気ない日常が眩しいほどの思い出として蘇ります。 そんなノスタルジィを皆様へ。 それはそうと、なにか食べてる女の子ってとっても魅力的ですよね? A group of girls enjoying some takoyaki and a soft drink on their way home from school together. Having survived the ordeal of school, they are now rewarded with some free time. This is the scene that I depicted. Buying some food and eating it on the way home after school, the town is filled with the golden light of sunset as we became excited over nothing in particular. These casual moments come back to me most vividly and I wanted to share this nostalgia with you all. That being said, don’t you agree that girls look particularly attractive when they are eating something?
Jun 11 2013, 08:48 note 日陰影次 hikage eiji: body: 日陰影次 hikage eiji, height:150, width:150, x:238, y:403
May 25 2013, 19:27 van +megane +neko +seifuku
May 24 2013, 08:20 fireattack +hikage_eiji -tagme
May 24 2013, 07:27 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme