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Jun 21 2013, 23:12 WtfCakes note MITAONSYA MITAONSYA ...: body: MITAONSYA MITAONSYA おかあさんの鏡台 Okasan no kyodai (Mother's Dressing Table) 母の日が近いので、母にちなんだお品を描きました。 家の鏡台というと母のこれしかないので、私が身支度する時はかならずこの鏡台を使わせて貰いました。 引き出しの中のブラシや櫛、髪飾リや化粧品は子供の頃の自分にとっては憧れで、こっそリロ紅を使ったりした事もあリました。こ'めんなさいおかあさ ん…。>< 引き出しにかわいいものや綺麗なものをきゅうきゅうにしまっておいて、毎日身支度の時に引き出しを開けて眺めて楽しいのが良いと思います。 あと春なのでおひなさま飾リと和装で。 和装用の紐類が好きなので沢山散らかしました。 好きなものを沢山描けて楽しかったです。 ありがとうございました。 It will soon be mother’s day so I decided to draw something relating to my mother. The only large mirror we had in the house was the one on my mother’s dressing table so I used it whenever I was getting ready to go out. The drawers of the dressing table were filled with brushes, combs and hair decorations, as well as various cosmetics. As a child these fascinated me and I would sometimes use her lipstick in secret. (Sorry mom... ><) The drawers were stuffed full of cute or pretty things, so I think it is fun to open the drawers when getting dressed everyday and looking at the contents. As it is spring, I have also included a reflection of a girls’-day doll and accessories in the mirror, together with a kimono. I particularly like the cords that are used when wearing a kimono so I have included lots of these too. I enjoyed drawing lots of my favorite things. Thank you very much. , height:150, width:150, x:237, y:320
May 25 2013, 19:25 van +kimono +neko
May 24 2013, 08:24 fireattack +mitaonsya -tagme
May 24 2013, 07:31 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme