Date User Change
Jun 21 2013, 23:13 WtfCakes note 山本和枝 yamamoto kazue: body changed from 山本和枝 yamamoto kazue to 山本和枝 KAZUE YAMAMOTO 福笹授与 Fukuzasa juyo (Bestowing Lucky Bamboo Charms) こんにちは!初めて「絵師100人展」に参加させて頂きました山本和枝です。¶実は前回の02に遊びに来ていた時にお声をかけて頂き参加する運びとなりました。さて、今回のテーマは日本の一景ということで、私が選んだのは地元大阪の今宮の十日戎です。えびす様を奉り商売繁盛を祈願するこのお祭リは、商人の街大阪を表す伝統的な祭事と言っても過言ではあリません。¶特に福娘たちが縁起物の福笹を授与する姿は、なんとも可愛いもので、女性でも見とれてしまいます。今回はそんな祭事の1コマを絵にしてみました。笑顔の彼女たちから笹を受け取ると1年元気に頑張れます。時代の流れで十日戎の位置づけは変わって来ていますが、彼女たちの笑顔で皆が元気で頑張っていける世の中であリ続けてほしい。そんな思いを込めて描きました。 Hello, my name is Kazue Yamamoto and this is the first time I have taken part in the 'Eshi 100’ exhibition. The fact is that when I visited the last exhibition I talked with the organizers and was invited to take part this year. The theme for this year is ‘a Japanese scene' and so I chose to depict the Ebisu festival that is held at Imamiya Shrine in my hometown of Osaka. The shrine is dedicated to the god of commerce, Ebisu, and the festival is held to pray for prosperity in business so it can be said that this traditional festival symbolizes the mercantile city of Osaka. The image of the shrine maidens handing out the lucky bamboo charms is particularly pretty and even as a woman I find it most attractive. For this exhibition I have taken one scene from this festival to use as the subject of my picture. When we receive the bamboo twigs from these smiling girls, it provides us with the energy to work for another year. With the passage of time, the importance of the Ebisu festival has changed, but the smiling faces of the shrine maidens continues to provide people with the energy to keep going. It was with this thought in mind that I created this work.
Jun 11 2013, 08:57 note 山本和枝 yamamoto kazue: body: 山本和枝 yamamoto kazue, height:150, width:150, x:238, y:302
May 25 2013, 19:23 van +kimono
May 24 2013, 08:26 fireattack +yamamoto_kazue -tagme
May 24 2013, 07:33 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme