Date User Change
Jun 01 2013, 21:54 VorpalNeko +cleavage +open_shirt +seifuku
May 31 2013, 05:58 WtfCakes note かんなぎれい KannagiRei l...: body: かんなぎれい KannagiRei lamune Lamune (Soda Pop) カラフルな夏(と水着)のイメージです。描いてから気づきましたが、ラムネとソーダアイスでダブってますね。しまつた…。 This is an image of colorful summer (and a swimming costume). After I finished it I realized that I added both soda pop and soda ice. Whoops! , height:150, width:150, x:224, y:364
May 29 2013, 12:58 donicila +bikini +swimsuits -tagme
May 29 2013, 04:59 milumon +kannagi_rei
May 29 2013, 04:44 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme