Date User Change
Jun 09 2013, 05:57 blooregardo +dress
May 31 2013, 06:02 WtfCakes note さくら小春 Koharu Sakura ...: body: さくら小春 Koharu Sakura ひなまつリ Hina matsuri (Girls' Day Festival) 3月3日、桃の節句。 外はまだ寒く雪が降ることもありますが、部屋の中に雛飾りを置くとそこは春が訪れたように見えます。 桃の花、ひなあられ、菱餅、どれも色とリどリで見ているだけで暖かな気持ちになります。 そんな空気が伝われば良いなあと思いつつ描かせて頂きました。 我が家にはお内裏様とお雛様の2人だけの雛飾リしかなくてしょんぼりした気持ちと、立派なひな壇についている人形用のタンスへの憧れも少しだけ込めました。 March 3, Girls’ Day. It is still cold outside and sometimes it snows, but once the dolls' display been set up indoors, it feels as if spring has arrived. Peach blossom, sweet rice crackers, diamond-shaped rice cakes, all of them are brightly colored and bring a sense of warmth into the room. That was the kind of atmosphere I was trying to transmit when I drew this. When I was a child I only had two dolls,the Emperor and Empress, so when I drew this, it made me feel a little downhearted but I was also able to express my childhood dream of owning a magnificent display like this with miniature doll furniture. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 13:03 donicila -tagme
May 29 2013, 05:27 StardustKnight +sakura_koharu
May 29 2013, 04:48 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme