Date User Change
Jun 10 2013, 07:23 VorpalNeko +cleavage +sword
Jun 10 2013, 07:03 Aurelia rating:q←s, +no_bra +open_shirt -tagme
May 31 2013, 07:14 WtfCakes note 樋上いたる Itaru Hinoue ...: body: 樋上いたる Itaru Hinoue 冬龍 Toryu (Winter Dragon) 樋上いたるです。またこのような場にお誘いいただきまして、誠にあリがとうございます!今回は「日本の四季」とのことでしたので、冬をテ一マに今年の干支の辰(龍)を描いてみました。冬を意識したので龍の鬣は白く、吐く息も白です。女の子と龍が繫がるように目の色は同じにしてみました。 My name is Itaru Hinoue. Thank you very much for inviting me to take part in this event again! The theme this year is The Four Seasons of Japan’ so I chose winter and combined it with a dragon which is this year's animal, according to the Chinese zodiac. I created a feeling of winter by making the dragon’s mane and breath white. I also made the girl's eyes the same color as the dragon’s in order to make a link between the two. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 05:07 milumon +hinoue_itaru
May 29 2013, 04:54 WtfCakes rating:s, +tagme