Date User Change
Jun 06 2013, 21:05 VorpalNeko +megane +pantyhose +thighhighs
May 31 2013, 05:54 WtfCakes note 兎塚エイジ USATSUKA EIJI ...: body: 兎塚エイジ USATSUKA EIJI 坂の上へ Saka no ue e (To the Top of the Hill) 頂いたテ一マは「日本の四季」ということで季節は秋、京都のニ寧坂をモチーフに修学旅行生を描いてみました。 本当はもっと人でごった返しているのですが人だらけになるので、少し混雑を緩和してあリます。 今見返してみるともう少し混んでいた方が観光地っぽくなって良かったかもしれませんね。 隠れキヤラもいるので探してみてください。 I was given the theme of ‘The Four Seasons of Japan’ so I chose autumn, using the motif of a school outing to Ninenzaka in Kyoto. The place is really more crowded than this but I did not want to fill the picture with people so I reduced the congestion a little. Looking at it now, I think that perhaps it would have been better and looked more like a tourist site if I had made it a bit more crowded. There is a hidden character in the picture, see if you can find it. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 12:55 donicila +seifuku -tagme
May 29 2013, 08:06 milumon +usatsuka_eiji
May 29 2013, 06:37 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme