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May 31 2013, 05:54 WtfCakes note うたたねひろゆき HIROYUKI UT...: body: うたたねひろゆき HIROYUKI UTATANE 祭りの後•夏 Matsuri no ato - Natsu (After the Festival - Summer) 昨年のコメントでCGへの転向を決心したと書いたところ、周リの全員に「やめろ!」と怒られました。 というわけで今回も手描き•手塗りの原稿です。 やはり今回も塗っても塗っても終わらなくて心が折れかけました。 今回のテーマが「日本の四季」とのことで、前回に引き続き、少々ひねくれた視点で「日常で非日常」な一コマを切り抜いてみました。 基本的に屋内生活者の私たちの季節は夏と冬ですよね? In my comment for last year’s exhibition I wrote that I had decided to start using computer graphics, but everybody around me got mad and shouted, ‘Don’t do it!’ As a result, this year’s picture is also drawn and colored by hand. But again, no matter how much I painted, I never seemed to finish and it was extremely frustrating. The theme for this year is ‘Japan’s four seasons’,so continuing from last year, I have produced a single frame that depicts the 'normal but abnormal’ drawn from a slightly warped viewpoint. Basically, for people like me who spend their lives indoors, there are only two seasons, summer or winter, aren’t there?, height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 12:55 donicila +seifuku -tagme
May 29 2013, 08:06 milumon +utatane_hiroyuki
May 29 2013, 06:38 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme