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May 31 2013, 05:57 WtfCakes note かんたか Kantaka 雪解け Yu...: body: かんたか Kantaka 雪解け Yukidoke (Thaw) 冬の氷が割れ、春が芽吹き再生される様をイメージしています。 壊れた物は元に戻らないと言われますが、新しいものに生まれ変わつてまたこの世に再生されるのが常、暗い世の中も考え方次第で明るく前向きにとらえられたら良いなと思いました。 The image for this picture is of ice cracking and the buds or spring coming back to life once more. It is said that broken things cannot be returned to their original state, but the way of the world is for new things to be reborn, and I think that it would be nice if the dark outlook on the world could be transformed into something brighter and more optimistic., height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 12:58 donicila -tagme
May 29 2013, 08:15 milumon +kantaka
May 29 2013, 06:43 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme