Date User Change
Jun 06 2013, 21:02 VorpalNeko +animal_ears +sarashi
May 31 2013, 05:58 WtfCakes note 木場智士 Satoshi Kiba 四...: body: 木場智士 Satoshi Kiba 四鬼 Shiki (Four Demons) 今回のテ一マは「日本の四季」ということで、季節ごとに妖怪を当てはめて描いてみました。 春:桜の精、夏:人魚、秋:妖狐、冬:雪女、といった具合です。日本は四季の区別がはっきりとしている国の1つですので、それぞれの季節の風物詩を楽しめます。そんな1年を通しての彩リをそこはかとなくでも感じていただければ幸いです。 The theme for this exhibition was ‘the four season of Japan,. In Japanese, four seasons is pronounced, ‘shiki’ so I used a play on words and depicted ‘four demons’, which is also pronounced ‘shiki’. They are as follows: spring—spirit of the cherry tree, summer—mermaid, autumn—fox demon, and winter—snow woman. Japan is a country where the divisions between the four seasons are clearly delineated, and people enjoy the various features of each one. If you are able to catch even a vague feeling of the colors of the year from this work, I will be very happy. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 13:15 donicila +miko
May 29 2013, 12:59 donicila -tagme
May 29 2013, 08:16 milumon +kiba_satoshi
May 29 2013, 06:43 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme