Date User Change
Jun 07 2013, 06:21 VorpalNeko +megane +seifuku -tagme
Jun 07 2013, 04:22 Tenh note Gユウスケ G Yusuke 海中登校...: body changed from Gユウスケ G Yusuke 海中登校 Kaichu toko (Underwater School Commute) テ一マが四季ということで、夏の海中の風景?です。 今回「青」の色彩に挑戦したぐあたってくだけろ〜の掛け声と共に見事、頭部粉砕。 返り討ちにあった気分です。いや、良い経験でした。 海の中の登校風景という「びっしょり絵」になりましたが楽しんでいただければ幸いです。 The theme is ‘the four seasons’ so this is a summer underwater landscape(?) For this work I tried working in blue, I charged headlong into it with a cry and ended up smashing my head. I feel as if I had the tables turned on me. It was a good experience. This view of going to school underwater ended up as a kind of bisshori (drenched) picture but I hope you enjoy it. to Gユウスケ G Yusuke 海中登校 Kaichu toko (Underwater School Commute) テ一マが四季ということで、夏の海中の風景?です。 今回「青」の色彩に挑戦したぐあたってくだけろ〜の掛け声と共に見事、頭部粉砕。 返り討ちにあった気分です。いや、良い経験でした。 海の中の登校風景という「びっしょり絵」になりましたが楽しんでいただければ幸いです。 The theme is ‘the four seasons’ so this is a summer underwater landscape(?) For this work I tried working in blue, I charged headlong into it with a cry and ended up smashing my head. I feel as if I had the tables turned on me. It was a good experience. This view of going to school underwater ended up as a kind of bisshori (drenched) picture but I hope you enjoy it.
May 31 2013, 06:02 WtfCakes note Gユウスケ G Yusuke 海中登校...: body: Gユウスケ G Yusuke 海中登校 Kaichu toko (Underwater School Commute) テ一マが四季ということで、夏の海中の風景?です。 今回「青」の色彩に挑戦したぐあたってくだけろ〜の掛け声と共に見事、頭部粉砕。 返り討ちにあった気分です。いや、良い経験でした。 海の中の登校風景という「びっしょり絵」になりましたが楽しんでいただければ幸いです。 The theme is ‘the four seasons’ so this is a summer underwater landscape(?) For this work I tried working in blue, I charged headlong into it with a cry and ended up smashing my head. I feel as if I had the tables turned on me. It was a good experience. This view of going to school underwater ended up as a kind of bisshori (drenched) picture but I hope you enjoy it. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 14:14 milumon +g_yuusuke
May 29 2013, 06:50 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme